Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Episode 2: Killing The Dead

Oh man, what an odyssey Episode 2: Killing The Dead has been.  I won't get into the fine details of it yet, but let's just say that this has been a long time coming.  Fortunately,  the future episodes won't take so long to come out, we promise.  Would you believe that we've had this footage shot since August?  August!  And that was the second time shooting the scene.  The first time was in MAY!  Ironically, the Thanksgiving and Christmas Episodes were shot long after this one.

Fear not, dear fans, it won't happen again.  Episode 3: Actually Killing The Dead will air FEBRUARY 25, 2011.  It is truly as awesome as the name implies.  I know.  It's a month.  It's a hell of a lot better than two months.  We've learned a lot during the filming of Episode Two.  We'll be taking these lessons and applying them towards the production of future episodes, which will hopefully make the whole process quicker and more streamlined.  Almost as streamlined as Wes has gotten.  Literally.  Have you seen Wes lately?  No?  Message him on Facebook; ask for that sexy nude picture he makes us all admire (then, for giggles, ask for his Thor Picture).  Dude's getting sexier by the minute.  He's getting all Brad Pitt on our ass.

We have a lot of fun coming your way.  Stay tuned to the new website (huge shout out and major thanks to Mr. Patrick "9 Ball" Roach).  For now, watch the damn episode and get those number counts up there.  Make sure to tell your friends, enemies, family members, random person on the street, or (especially) high paid studio executives looking for the next awesome thing (*wink*).


  1. Thanks for leaving me a comment you guys, I am loving episode one, getting ready to tackle episode two and really fuckin' jealous that I don't have a "Break in case of Zombie emergency" killing kit in my living room. I need to get on THAT too.

    Also, may I just say you both have exquisite taste in ear-apparel.

  2. Hey Vegetable Assassin. Thank's for the kind words.

    Having a well stocked zombie-killing cabinet should be part of every home's emergency preparedness kit. It just makes good sense.

  3. Hahaha! Loving this series!! Love that this entire episode is just you guys going back and forth. Look forward to more!
